If you felt the side of your face go numb or were unable to move your arm - would you know what to do?
According to the National Stroke Foundation you could be experiencing the signs of stroke.
Stroke is Australia's second biggest killer and a leading cause of disability. A stroke occurs in Australia every 10 minutes.
According to the National Stroke Foundation you could be experiencing the signs of stroke.
Stroke is Australia's second biggest killer and a leading cause of disability. A stroke occurs in Australia every 10 minutes.
FAST is an easy way to recognise the signs of stroke.
FAST stands for Facial weakness, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, Time to act. Call 000 immediately if you experience even one of the signs of stroke or recognise them in someone else.
In the 2007 National Stroke Foundation survey asked Australians aged over 40 what they know about stroke. Fifteen per cent said they did not know any of the signs of stroke.
This represents at least 1.3 million Australians aged between 40 and 90 may not recognise the signs of stroke in themselves or a loved one.
As part of National Stroke Week (15-21 September), the National Stroke Foundation aims to distribute 1.3 million FAST wallet cards. The wallet cards allow people to carry the FAST message with them at all times.
"There is a simple test for stroke that everybody should know - it's called the FAST test," said Dr Erin Lalor, Chief Executive Officer of the National Stroke Foundation.
The FAST test involves asking three simple questions:
Face - Can the person smile, has their mouth drooped?
Arms - Can the person raise both arms?
Speech - Can the person speak clearly and understand what you say?
Time - Act FAST and call 000 immediately.
If the person has difficulties with any of these, act FAST and call 000. Getting urgent medical attention could mean the difference between death or severe disability and a good recovery from stroke.
National Stroke Week is 15-21 September.
For more information about the National Stroke Foundation, FAST and preventing stroke visit http://www.strokefoundation.com.au/ or call StrokeLine 1800 787 653.
(Source: National Stroke Foundation: September 2008.)