

  1. 酸奶或奶酪酒:其中的乳酸菌和双歧杆菌可以对抗肠内有害物质的攻击。还可以增加体内白细胞的长生。奶酪酒还能产生酵母菌,补充体内缺乏的氨基酸。
  2. 姜黄粉:中国菜和印度咖喱里必不可少的姜黄粉含有姜黄素,可以阻挡免疫细胞受到刺激物的攻击,也能中和抗生素色副作用。姜黄可以和某些蛋白质发生作用,它杀死癌细胞的数字是杀死健康细胞的10倍。姜黄尤其对前列腺癌和乳腺癌有效。
  3. 大蒜:大蒜里的硫磺类化合物对细菌、病毒、真菌和寄生虫类感染都有灭杀作用。除增强免疫力外,大蒜也有抗癌和抗氧化的功效。大蒜还可以降血脂、稀释血液、降血压。每天吃大蒜的人比不吃的,胃癌患病率低一半,肠癌患病率低80%。蒜最好生吃,捣成泥后放置15分钟,不宜空腹吃。胃溃疡、偏头痛和有牙周病的人,最好不吃蒜。
  4. 牛至:这种有清热、化湿、祛暑、解表、理气作用的草本植物是非常好的天然杀菌剂。牛至里面的石碳酸和类黄酮有消炎和抗氧化作用。食用牛至可以治疗感冒、发烧和消化不良。
  5. 甜椒:具有低卡路里、营养密集的特点。富含胡萝卜素和维生素C。甜椒所含维生素C是橙子的两倍。维生素C已经被证明是加强免疫力、抗击感冒最有效的安全成分。
  6. 绿茶:富含多酚,在烘干和处理过程中被氧化的几率最小。绿茶提取物已被证明可以抑制关节炎、预防老年痴呆、阻止细菌复制、有消炎和抗氧化作用。此外绿茶提取物已经被应用于癌症治疗中。
  7. 南瓜:黄色的瓤不仅富含胡萝卜素,也是维生素A的聚集地。维生素A可以帮助规范人体细胞之间的交流,是免疫系统工作的基础。维生素A也有助于呼吸系统。但过多维生素A会囤积在脂肪里会中毒。
  8. 生姜:肉质肥厚,香味辛辣。生姜的辛辣成分叫姜油酮,有温暖、兴奋、发汗、止呕和解毒作用。生姜干后,姜油酮变少,姜酚素增多,消炎作用加大。夏天的空调病、冬天的风寒,都可以用一碗简单的红糖生姜水解决。此外,生姜和蒜一样对男性都有壮阳作用。
  9. 牡蛎:牡蛎一直被认为是最好的天然春药,原因是富含锌,可以刺激睾丸激素的分泌,对男女性欲的激发都有辅助作用。锌比其他任何矿物质都对酚类敏感,是免疫系统不可缺少的要素。锌可以加强T细胞,预防过敏。
  10. 花椰菜:富含维生素A、C、E,是对免疫系统最好的蔬菜。其中菜花可以提高肝脏的芳経羟化酶的活性,增强抗癌物质的分泌。西蓝花是最好的蔬菜,可以提高肝脏解毒的功效,可以降低血糖,调节血压,具抗癌效果。紫甘蓝也有类似功效。



  腹部肌肉几乎是每一个动作的辅助器:由伸手取高架上的东西到挥杆打高尔夫球。它支撑著脊柱,因此能协助我们维持正当的姿势,同时也是支撑腹腔壁的唯一来源。这些功能都 要肌肉的力道,但是做200次腹部收缩运动也仅能改进它的耐力。要使它强壮,就必须锻链肌肉承受力,只 在肩部离地时多承受一个哑铃之类的举重器材就可以了。


About Strokes - You could save a life

STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters... S.T.R.
My friend sent this to me and encouraged me to post it and spread the word.
I agree. If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks. Seriously..
Please read:
During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) and just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00pm , Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. It only takes a minute to read this...
A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.

Thank God for the sense to remember the "3" steps, STR . Read and Learn!
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S * Ask the individual to SMILE .
T * Ask the person to TALK to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (i.e. . . It is sunny out today).
R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS .
NOTE : Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out their tongue. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke. If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 000 immediately!! and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.





  1. 高蛋白饮食
  2. 高热量饮食
  3. 高脂肪饮食
  4. 精致糖
  5. 高钠低钾饮食
  6. 低纤维饮食
  7. 吃好看、好吃的
  8. 吃偏好
  9. 吃方便
  10. 认知不正确
  11. 肥胖致病
  12. 电磁辐射的伤害
  13. 生态环境被破坏
  14. 空气污染
  15. 水质的恶化
  16. 欠缺负离子
  17. 体内缺氧
  18. 遗传
  19. 不当输血
  20. 滥用抗生素(药物)
  21. 不当与无谓的医疗
  22. 不当的穿着
  23. 精神重创、情绪剧变
  24. 性格急躁、抑郁,思考负面
  25. 压力与过劳
  26. 行尸走肉,生活散漫
  27. 勉强自己做不爱做的事
  28. 生活违反自然规律
  29. 体质酸化
  30. 慢性中毒
  31. 肾气衰
  32. 血瘀
  33. 胸腺萎缩
  34. 良心有亏欠


Fears over long-term effects of Botox

It must be hard work for big screen siren Nicole Kidman, looking this good at 40. Well, maybe not hard work - but work nonetheless.
For years, the once fragile and freckly skinned actress has been the subject of cosmetic surgery rumours, particularly her alleged penchant for the wrinkle reducing wonder drug Botox.
Now once again in the spotlight, preening for the public and paparazzi at the premiere of Baz Luhrmann's epic Australia, leading cosmetic surgeon and Botox extraordinaire, Dr Mary Dingley confirms the rumours.
And our Nicole's liking for techniques that go well beyond old fashioned beauty sleep, haven't always had the desired effect.
Labelled frozen-faced, called a bat and described by Sharon Osbourne, the wife of rocker Ozzy Osbourne as, controversially said "Nicole Kidman's forehead looks like a flat screen TV."
"Having Botox means that you are going to probably look better, like a china doll. So if you want to be put on the mantelpiece like a china doll then sure this is the way to go" says Dr Mark Williams.

Botox has blossomed into a $300 million a year industry fuelled by Australian women and men, chasing renewed confidence.
But new research published in the esteemed Discover Magazine attacks the long term effect Botox has, saying when it freezes facial expressions it freezes emotions.
"They're going to probably develop things like depression, social anxiety disorders things that are really going to affect their health in the long term" says Dr Mark Williams.
Humans and many animals rely intrinsically on facial expressions to understand each other and experience emotion.
"When you actually take away the ability to make a facial expression then you are not going to be able to portray that to others so others aren't going to be able to understand if you are sad or if you are happy" says Dr Williams.
Macquarie University cognitive neuroscientist Mark Williams says Botox users don't have the same highs and lows of emotions and can't recognise them in others.
According to the theory...it works like this. When a person smiles at us we smile back - it's automatic. We literally mimic them, even if it's only for a split second.
"There's a lot of evidence that what we do is mimic what the other person is doing and we get the same physiological response that they get, so we are yeah you are happy because I'm feeling happy or you are sad because I'm feeling sad" says Dr Williams.
The act of smiling or frowning or grimacing literally triggers a response in our brains you can see.
The theory was first pushed in 1872 by Charles Darwin who claimed facial expressions were a crucial means of survival allowing us to tell our enemies from our friends - even before we could speak.
In 2008 Dr Williams uses state of the art technology to scan the brain. He shows his subjects pictures of different facial expressions then reads their neurological reaction.
"There are seven basic emotions that we talk about and those are happiness, sadness, surprise, disgust, angry, fearful and neutral faces and they occur in any society from the highlands of Papua New Guinea all the way to Sydney Australia, New Zealand wherever" adds Dr Williams.
He says Botox will reduce emotion across the board.
"They won't be able to smile so therefore they wont get all those endorphins released so therefore they wont get that rush of enjoyment that we all get. Also from the point of view they are not going to get the interaction with others that they are looking for so others aren't going to understand how they are feeling."
Paralyse your expression...paralyse your relationships.
"No-one wants to talk to you because you are not showing the normal signals an individual shows when they are interacting and enjoying it."
"I've had three botox injections around my eye...I've had three in between my nose, I've had three on the other side and two on my chin." Sonya is an avid botox user. She says it has improved her relationships, not dulled them.
"Not at all... I mean botox has helped me. Really, its made me feel more confident. I don't think its hindered me at all, it's been a great thing for me."
Her doctor, also a regular botox patient, agrees.
Dr Mary Dingley from the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery says treatment can actually improve a person's wellbeing and help with depression, particularly in people who have deep frown lines.
"Look I think the reverse is true. it actually allows people to interact with people better so they are not going to be isolated," Dr Dingley said.
"So if you're walking around like a thundercloud all the time, people will think that you are very cranky even if you're not. So a lot people with botox can relax that frown and people find you more approachable," says Dr Dingley.
And the smile remains untouched.
"Certainly we are not doing anything with the smile muscles, you can still smile perfectly naturally. And you can still show surprise, you can still show affection, all of those sorts of things," adds Dr Dingley.

(Source: Today Tonight)


3、松花蛋  松花蛋含有一定量的铅,常食会引起人体铅中毒。铅中毒时的表现为失眠、贫血、好动、智力减退等。   
4、臭豆腐  臭豆腐在发酵过程中极易被微生物污染,它还含有大量的挥发性盐基氮和硫化氢等。它还是分解蛋白质的腐败物质,对人体有害。
12、.咖啡  咖啡中含有较多的咖啡因成分,一旦被摄入体内消化,它很快就会随血液流动,5分钟内抵达人体各个器官,使血管收缩代谢增快,胃酸尿量增多。


The dangers of baby oil

It smells nice and it's soothing for baby. But who would think such an old-time product, a nursery staple, could injure and kill?

Baby oil, along with other common household oils for massage, hair, and bath, essential oils, eucalyptus and camphor oils, are responsible for at least 3000 reported ingestion accidents to young children every year in Australia.

Toxicologist Dr Naren Gunja from NSW Poisons Information Centre at Westmead Hospital says most parents don't realise the danger.
"Once the child has ingested it depending on how much they ingest then it could be too late. Over a period of time, the child can die," says Dr Gunja.
"It is a gradual process that can take several days, two weeks to die."

Mums Gabby and Soraya say the drama started when their kids, Natalia, 4, and Gabriel, 3, were playing together. They discovered the two splashing baby oil over them and they'd drunk some.
Soon, both kids were having difficulty breathing. Natalia was also vomiting, Daniel had a rash. An ambulance rushed them to hospital - the doctors' warnings were grim.
"He listened to his lungs for quite a while and he said 'he looks ok' and - this was just horrible - he said 'look, there's nothing we can do, this is something that if your child has done this, and it's in his lungs there is nothing that we can do'," says Soraya.
When Gabby and Soraya checked the internet for accidents and side-effects they discovered the horrors - in the US, 20 kids a year die from breathing in household oils, 5 deaths are from baby oil. In total, around 80,000 household oil ingestion accidents are reported to the US Poisons Centre yearly.
"The death the child goes through is absolutely horrific, the latest boy to die in America was Jayden Bryson, 18 months old, it took him 28 days to die, he suffocated to death," explains Soraya.

Why so toxic? Look at the ingredients and you see baby oil, sunscreen oil, bath, body and massage oils, make-up removers, nail enamel dryers, eucalyptus, camphor and clove oils - are all made from mineral oil, a petroleum ingredient from crude oil.
Mineral oils contain hydrocarbons, a real danger to the stomach and especially the lungs - which can stop working.
"A mouthful of baby oil ingested by a child is enough to cause it to vomit and if they breathe that into their lungs that is enough to cause lung inflammation ... if enough of that happens it could lead to death," says Dr Gunja.
Mineral oils are also used for cleaning, as industrial and mechanical lubricants, in cosmetics and even pesticides. And, apart from they've been blamed for a range of health problems - allegedly acne, premature ageing of skin, and other skin disorders, impeding normal cell development and possibly causing vitamin deficiency.

Luckily, Gabriel and Natalia survived their ordeal. Seven years ago the US Consumer Product Safety Commission made child-resistant packaging mandatory for oily liquids containing hydrocarbons - like baby oils, bath, body, hair and massage oils, and sunscreens. So, Johnson and Johnson Baby Oil sold in America has the compulsory child-proof lid. Why not in Australia?
As a result of Today Tonight's investigation Johnson & Johnson has informed us that they will after 48 years change to child resistant caps on all its baby oil products in Australia and worldwide.

(Source: Today Tonight)


  • 皮肤差:缺乏维生素B1容易导致疲劳、丧失胃口,使皮肤过早衰老,产生皱纹;缺乏维生素B2可发生口角炎和脂溢性皮炎、粉刺及色斑等。
  • 体重超常:维生素B族有助于人体把脂肪和碳水化合物转为合用能量所必需的营养素,有助于抑制对食物的渴望,防止体重上升。
  • 孕妇:女性怀孕时经常缺乏B2,B6,叶酸等,需要大量补充。胎儿、婴幼儿严重缺乏叶酸时,会对脑的形成造成危害。
  • 素食者:长期吃青菜的素食者,无法摄入含B族维生素丰富的动物性食物,很容易出现烂嘴角、手脚麻木等症状。
  • 脾气不好:缺乏维生素B族可能使脾气变坏。缺乏维生素B1时,我们会变得脾气暴躁、喜怒无常;缺乏维生素B6,就容易情绪激动、困倦和急躁。
  • 习惯熬夜:缺乏维生素B族人很容易感到劳累。上班族下午吃一粒,晚上加班熬夜时,头脑清醒不昏沉,精力充沛不疲劳。
  • 脑力工作者:维生素B1缺乏时,人会变得麻木、反应迟钝、注意力不集中、记忆力衰退。
  • 喜欢喝酒:人体摄取大量的B族维生素,喝酒的欲望会大幅减低。因此,多补充B族维生素有助于戒酒,对保护肝脏也有好处。

Laser Hair Removal

Here are some simple tips that you can follow to making sure you choose the right laser hair removal clinic.
  • Find out the type of equipment used. Lasers (not IPL/SPL) are the most effective and proven system for permanent hair reduction.
  • Find out the experience and qualifications of the technican. As a minimum this should include 5 years experience in skin therapy, sufficient training and experience on Laser use and completion of a Laser Safety training course through a reputable institution.
  • Word of mouth is also a good indication. Positive experience and positive feedback from people who have undergone treatment is a good sign.
  • Be aware of false adverstising claims and heavily discounted treatments.
  • The Nad’s Clinic website is a great source of information.


Secrets of the skin diet

We know a healthy diet can change the appearance of our waistline but diet can also change the appearance of our skin, proving we really are what we eat.
According to a new study the different foods can actually act like medicine - treating specific skin conditions, even reversing the signs of ageing.
The average Australian woman puts between $100 and $400 worth of beauty products on her face every day but these are tough economic times - so before you raid the cosmetic counter you should know the secret to a glowing complexion is actually as close as the fruit and veg aisle at your supermarket.

"I think it's an absolute waste of money spending a fortune on really expensive moisturiser," says Karen Fischer.
According to nutritionist and author Karen Fischer, the secret to a healthy complexion is less about what we put on our skin and more about we put on our plate.

Starting with Acne.
"Say someone with acne they quickly take out the saturated fat in their diet - have less red meat have more leafy green vegetables more of the things that are wonderful for the blood stream that can quickly make a difference," says Karen.
Karen's effective acne cure is as simple as eating greens, lemons, limes and avocado - three or four times a week. Cutting out milk has also proven successful with patients.

Actress Holly Brisley is allergic to wheat and gluten she followed the great skin diet for a more even complexion.
"I've had a lot of friends who have had psoriasis and it seems to of helped with their skin they're not as red," says Holly.

Common skin problem number 2: Eczema and other forms of dermatitis.

"You want the anti inflammatory foods, you want the fish, turmeric and other spices, and the red onion which has the most anti-inflammatory product."
We may try to avoid them on a first date but red onions are the secret to good skin and reducing redness and inflammation.

Now - the most common skin problem of all - wrinkles.
"Well these foods, tomatoes, berries even berry jam and water melon offer flavanoids that offer sun protection, they offer anti wrinkle protection for you."
It seems to good to be true but Karen believes you can reduce fine lines with berries, watermelon and sugar free jam. All contain anti-oxidants for healthy cells on the inside that will show on the outside.
Dermatologist Natasha Cook believes there needs to be more evidence on the anti ageing qualities of particular foods but agrees we could all benefit from more fish.
"There has been a lot of suggestions about eating fish particularly those that are high in omega 3 fatty acids may provide some benefit overall to your skin but lets face it these foods that are good for you entire body."
Both Karen and Natasha support cutting out white breads and processed foods.
"There has been some evidence that being on a low GI diet can be good for skin conditions the main one being acne," says Natasha.

Now for some myth busting - like all chocolate causes acne.
"Certainly there is no significant evidence and the long term studies that they've done looking at chocolate and sweets - it doesn't make any difference whatsoever," says Natasha.
In fact dark chocolate can even be good for you - more good news. The rumours are true - red wine is also beneficial but keep it to a glass and a half.
"Certainly red wine does contain anti oxidants that may have some benefits to the skin one what we must understand is it's all about balance having small amount 1 or 2 glasses per night but excessive amounts can damage the skin," says Natasha.
"Your skin is the first sign that something is wrong with your health," says Karen.
Good skin is about being healthy on the inside - but there is one external factor that can ruin all your good work - if you want good skin there's no such thing as fun in the sun.
"The best thing you can do is wear sunscreen," advises Natasha.

(Source: Yahoo!7)